5 Most Common Misconceptions Inhibiting Your Meditation Regime
The benefits of meditation have been researched and documented time and again. Not only does regular meditation elevate your mood and strengthen your focus, but it can literally restructure your brain. By allowing your subconscious to take a backseat while your higher-self takes the reigns, you can develop a higher capacity for emotional regulation, experience […]
Why I Recommend Medical Marijuana
When you come to Empathic Practice, we may recommend that you be registered for a Florida Medical Marijuana card if you meet certain terms and conditions. The State has certain requirements and we have important ideas too. First, we are recommending that you could try medical marijuana. We are not prescribing medical marijuana because at […]
Open House Empathic Practice
Whoa. What is going on there? That’s likely the reaction of anyone who passed Empathic Practice on Cervantes on Saturday, January 26 after the sun went down. When you envision an open house, you may think of an office filled with promotional materials, swapping of business cards and lifeless vegetable and fruit trays. The Empathic […]
Medical Marijuana: Why The Prohibition?
The prohibition of medical marijuana, actual or by other means, must have some basis in fact and science, we hope. But a brief review of statements by government officials is particularly enlightening. Try these: [blockquote author=”Harry J. Anslinger” link=”https://www.votehemp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Musto-on-the-MTA.pdf” target=”_blank”] Marijuana is taken by “…..musicians. And I’m not speaking about good musicians, but the jazz […]
Being Mindful of Our Practice
Mindfulness right now is a buzzword that is everywhere, with little mainstream comprehension of what it entitles. Mindfulness as an end doesn’t make sense. That is counterintuitive to what Meditation can really provide to your life. Point being that Mindfulness is part of the path of Eastern meditation practice, one of the many steps towards […]
My Path to Empathic Practice
I started my career as a creative. Every day, it was my job to bring feeling, vision, and life to ideas. I did work all over the world, from Brazil to the US. Over the years, I started to see the same problems over and over again. Short-sightedness. Lack of focus. Misdirected energy. Some days […]
The Empathy in Empathic Practice
What makes Empathic Practice an empathic practice? It comes in our very DNA and defines who we are and what we do. The traditional definition of empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. At Empathic Practice, we take it a step further. In essence, we have walked a mile in […]
5 Things You Should Know Before Visiting a Medical Marijuana Doctor
It all seems so simple. Making an appointment, bring documents to support state requirements, fill out some forms, pay a fee, fill out an online form, wait a bit, and get a card. Then you will have access to the drug that cures everything. Sadly, it is not that simple. You might believe that evil […]
Medical Marijuana: Don’t Buy Into The Hype
In more than forty-five years of medical practice, you learn some lessons, often from the most unusual places. One of my most important experiences in medicine and life came from two remarkable individuals, Joe and Arnold. After being unable to make the grade as a baker, machinist, or sausage maker during high school, I ended […]
3 Things To Ask Your Medical Marijuana Doctor
Traditionally, your physician will offer you treatments and medications that have been a subject of numerous “gold standard” studies from a wide range of medical facilities and researchers. For medical marijuana, this approach has not been available because of the legal status of marijuana as a highly restricted Schedule One narcotic has made wide-scale research […]