Our optimal health is much more than the health of our bodies. New advances in holistic healing approaches provide an alternative medicine solution for a wide range of health issues. It is also essential for our overall health and wellbeing since it will help us feel better in the long run. Further down this article, you will learn precisely how holistic medicine is used to benefit thousands of lives.

What Does Holistic Health Mean?

Holistic healing is an ancient approach to medicine that emphasizes the study of the mind, body, and spirit. The practice of holism is not a new medical concept since the introduction of holistic medicine dates back in time 2500 years ago. According to the American Holistic Health Association (AHHA), holistic health is based on the theory of Holism, which is viewing the human body as a whole made up of interdependent parts, to prescribing natural remedies and medicine as an alternative medicine solution for healing the body at the root of the issue.

According to medical holism, healing the body is viewed as:

Overall it offers distinct approaches to treat your body from health problems. Unlike traditional conventional treatment methods, holistic treatment focuses on comprehensive and personalized treatments with the sole intention of making you feel better.

Therefore, instead of relying on drugs or surgery, a holistic medical practitioner will offer medical advice through personal, environmental, behavioral, and spiritual adjustments.

What Is Holistic Health And Why Is It Important?

The goal of holistic healing in life is to provide new natural alternatives towards:

To understand this, let us take a look at these examples:

For instance: If a person is suffering from depression at some time in their lives, your new holistic therapist will look at both physical and psychological factors that are affected. He would also look at symptoms like headaches, sleeping issues, weight gain, and muscle pain. Similarly, if a person is sick for an elongated time frame,  stress can be developed as a result.

Therefore: Holistic healing offers a more thorough wellness solution. Practitioners who take a holistic healing approach don’t just look at the symptoms and prescribe medicine. They focus on the overall health and life of the patient. This allows practitioners to provide comprehensive and personalized treatments.

More Important Characteristics Of Holistic Healing:

What does A Holistic Therapist Do?

Comparative to conventional medicine, in holistic medicine, the doctor will not just look at physical symptoms. The practitioner will treat the patient on a very personal level. He will look at the problem as a part of the ‘whole.’ To do that, he will discuss and consider other factors that include:

In holistic care, practitioners provide an extensive range of treatments to address your health problem on all levels.

This includes:

In holistic healing, the doctors believe in empowering the patient with knowledge. They will help you in determining how you can improve your overall health by making changes. Their goal is to make you capable of making healthy choices. When you see a doctor for holistic healing, he will discuss your symptoms as well as your lifestyle. He will try to figure out the physiological, psychological, spiritual, and environmental that contribute to causing a health issue. Once they find clear indicators, they will make an actionable plan. The plan is based on the mind-body connection. They will include clinical therapies, lifestyle changes, medication, and surgeries to treat the problem and person as a ‘whole.’

Types of Holistic Healing Therapies and Treatments:

Keep in mind; not all holistic healers are equal; each has his or her specialty that is available through extensive and diverse techniques.

The types of holistic therapies within holistic medicine:

Empathic Practice offers Health and Wellness Coaching, Spiritual Life Coaching, Lifestyle Medicine, Functional Ayurveda Consultations (which include natural and homeopathic herbal therapies), Yoga, Meditation, Bodywork and Massage Therapy, Mindfulness, Counseling, and more. Always focused on a holistic approach and treatment for your well-being. You can book any of these services right now.

Where Can I Receive Holistic Healing?

If you are looking for holistic medicine in the Pensacola area, visit the office of  Empathic Practice for treatment with a physician that can also explain the benefits of alternative medicine. The team members of Empathic Practice are focused on you and your path to wellness. We combine nearly 40 years of medical expertise, alternative health experience, and complementary methods that can help you navigate your wellness in a better way. We will provide you with a unique holistic approach that focuses on your wellbeing.

Unlike western medicine, we understand holistic healing will not just treat the disease; it will treat the person. Therefore, we offer more comprehensive treatments for a variety of health issues.