5 Most Common Misconceptions Inhibiting Your Meditation Regime
The benefits of meditation have been researched and documented time and again. Not only does regular meditation elevate your mood and strengthen your focus, but it can literally restructure your brain. By allowing your subconscious to take a backseat while your higher-self takes the reigns, you can develop a higher capacity for emotional regulation, experience […]
Being Mindful of Our Practice
Mindfulness right now is a buzzword that is everywhere, with little mainstream comprehension of what it entitles. Mindfulness as an end doesn’t make sense. That is counterintuitive to what Meditation can really provide to your life. Point being that Mindfulness is part of the path of Eastern meditation practice, one of the many steps towards […]
Is Meditation Training Useful For A Business?
While articles in Forbes and the Harvard Business Review suggest that meditation can be effective in business, how does an organization obtain the necessary expertise? More important, what should be the goals of meditation in business? A recent Business Insider listed The American Psychological Association‘s list of most empirically proven positive benefits of mindfulness meditation: […]